Innovative Airfield Lighting Ideas
An industry leader in developing innovative
airfield equipment and lighting systems
Vertiport Lighting

Rotating Heliport Beacons
Features one clear LED lamp and one aviation green LED lamp
Features three 150-watt lamps, and three lenses: clear, aviation green and yellow
Rotating Airport Beacons
Features one clear LED lamp and one aviation green LED lamp
Features two 150-watt pulse-start lamps and two lenses: clear and aviation green
Features one clear LED lamp and one aviation green LED lamp
Features two 400-watt pulse-start lamps and two lenses: clear and aviation green
Features two 320-watt metal-halide lamps and two lenses: Dual-beam clear and aviation green
Runway Closure Marker
The Hali-Brite ® Runway Closure Marker is an effective and efficient method of warning pilots of closed airfield runways and taxiways. A diesel engine powers 20 LED spotlights that form an illuminated “X” that can be seen as far as 25 miles. The trailer-mounted unit is easily towed behind a vehicle
Easy installation upgrade kits for upgrading older Hali-Brite ® incandescent style Runway Closure Markers to LED
Replacement Windsocks
Size1 L806 L807 Windsock replacement
Hali-Brite Part# 7400-0000-1 , FAA Certified, This Orange nylon sock is treated for rot, mildew, and water repellency. Size: 18″ by 8′ long
Size2 L807 Windsock replacement
Hali-Brite Part# 7400-0002 ,FAA Certified, This Orange nylon sock is treated for rot, mildew, and water repellency. Size: 36″ by 12′ long
Airport Wind Cones
L-806 Wind Cone
Lighted or non-lighted wind cone for small airports and heliports. Size 1 (18” diameter) wind sock only.
L-807 Wind Cone
Lighted or non-lighted wind cone for any airport. Size 1 (18” diameter) or Size 2 (36” diameter) wind socks.
Wind Cone Light Kits L-806 and L-807
Illuminates the inside surface of the wind cone sock.
Solar Power Wind Cones
L-806 Solar Power Wind Cone
Solar Powered lighted wind cone for small airports and heliports. Size 1 (18” diameter) wind sock only.
L-807 Solar Power Wind Cone
Solar Powered lighted wind cone for any airport. Size 1 (18” diameter) or Size 2 (36” diameter) wind socks.
The Solar Power Supply (SPS) is a self-contained photovoltaic power source for the Hali-Brite® L-806 and L-807 Wind Cones
Airport Obstruction Lighting
Airfield Fire Hydrant and Obstacle Marker
The Hali-Brite Airfield Fire Hydrant Marker is a yellow led light, manufactured specifically to mark locations of airfield fire hydrants
Flexible Reflective Markers L-853
Marks edge of runways and taxiways with reflective material.
Radio Receiver/Decoder L-854
Allows pilots to activate airfield lighting systems by keying their microphone.
Obstruction Light L-810
Single or dual lamps mark the top of tall structures that present hazards to air navigation.
Airport Beacon Towers
Beacon Tipdown Pole
Center-hinged, winch-driven Tipdown Pole to service beacons from the ground
Beacon Basket Pole
Tubular steel beacon pole with climbing features and basket around the beacon for servicing.
Airport Segmented Circles
Hali-Brite HB-5340 Segmented Circle
The Hali-Brite Segmented Circle is here! Easy installation! Powder coated orange and white
Trail Lighting
Trail-12-CL Trail Light
A light fixture designed to both indicate and illuminate trails, including those for cross-country skiing, hiking, walking, or biking.