Since air traffic has increased tremendously due to the advent of the jet setter lifestyle, the use of aviation obstruction lights (AOL) has transitioned from a mere recommendation to an important necessity. Aviation obstruction lights, also known as aircraft warning...
Pilots depend heavily on taxiway lights and runway lights, two of the most critical aspects of an airport. An air traffic controller is in charge of operating these lights in normal circumstances. However, a pilot can activate the lighting without traffic control...
Aerodrome beacons are a standard form of airport lighting used to tell pilots where they can find a place to land. While many might assume that they are merely airport flashlights, there are many types of aerodrome beacons. They have different light colors to clarify...
Wind cones, sometimes known as windsocks or wind direction indicators, help pilots determine wind speed and direction. Knowing these conditions is essential for a safe take-off and landing. If you own an airport, you must maintain the reliability and accuracy of your...
Wind cones are not the most complicated airfield component, but you should not undervalue their importance. They tell wind speed and direction, helping pilots fly and land safely. So buying one for your airport is indeed essential. However, this begs the question:...
The airline industry is rich in collaborative events. One of the most exciting but underrated stories is how pilots used to locate airports at night before the invention of rotating airport beacons. Here, you’re going to learn how a mere bonfire acted as a...
Table of Contents: Airport Beacon Overview Environmental Requirements Color Combinations Flashing Other interesting Airport Beacon Specifics Wrapping Up A rotating airport beacon is an essential lightning component of any airport, be it a civilian, military, or other...
Knowing the direction of the wind is unquestionably vital for a pilot. This information is provided by Air Trafic Control (ATC) at facilities that have an operating control tower. Pilots can also obtain similar information by requesting information on a Common Traffic...
Airport rotating beacons indicate the location of an airport by projecting beams of light spaced 180 degrees apart. Rotating beacons are required for any airport with runway edge lights. They create a “flash” similar to lighthouses, however, with Airports...
The Wind Cone specifications for airports based in the United States are set by the FAA in Aviation Circular 150/5345-27E – Specification for Wind Cone Assemblies. There are a variety of requirements and you should review the PDF linked here for complete...
Looking at aviation products and terminology from around the world, you may be wondering: what is the difference between a wind cone and a wind sock? You could argue there are slight differences, one of which is that wind cones usually have firmer baskets rather than...
Some airfields consist of unusual markings in the form of circles made up of square segments with L-shaped lines coasting along their edges, reminiscent of crop circles viewed from above. While these patterns may seem strange, they serve a practical purpose. These odd...
Visual aids are imperative safety measures when it comes to any type of transportation, whether its by car, plane, or boat, which is why airports and lighthouses both utilize the power of rotating beacons. A rotating beacon is a type of visual aid, typically used at...
In the past, pilots heavily relied on maps and visible landmarks for navigation during flight operations, a method limited to daytime travels. Nighttime flights were particularly risky until the introduction of bonfires at airports, aiding pilots in locating runways...
Hali-Brite, your innovative airport lighting company, is excited to announce that the Bacon Raton Airport in Florida is the first airport in the country to install an LED rotating beacon. Manufactured by Hali-Brite, the L-801A and L-802A LED rotating beacons are also...
The ICAO, or International Civil Aviation Organization, is the successor to ICAN, the International Commission for Air Navigation. The ICAO is a United Nations organization funded by 193 countries, that supports their diplomacy and researches new airport policy. The...
Next time you’re at an airport, take a look around for a brightly colored cone billowing in the wind. That’s a wind sock, a simple yet vital tool used to communicate wind speed and direction to pilots. It’s essential for safe takeoffs and landings,...
The convenient and luxurious appeal of flying via helicopter has lead to an array of heliports and helipads around the world. From super yachts to mega mansions, rugged mountains where the air is thin, and waterless basins filled with smooth river rocks, these places...
Airports consists of a variety of lights, all flashing and illuminating in different colors. When it comes to the question of what color airport taxiway lights are, the viewer needs to take one important aspect into account: taxiways aren’t the same as runways. A...
Have you ever driven at night in area with few to no lights? Imagine an airplane pilot having to do the same while on a busy runway. This very thought seems absurd and goes to show how airport lighting is integral for safe airport operations, especially in the dark....
Even the most perceptive frequent flyer may not understand what they’re looking at when looking out a plane window and at a bustling runway where the curious ongoings on baggage handlers and maintenance technicians take place. These flyers may witness an onslaught of...
Airplanes are amazing inventions. Prior to airplanes, travelers had to rely on horses, buggies, trains, and ships, which took days, weeks, or even months for commuters to arrive at their destinations, whereas the longest nonstop flight is a little over 18 hours. This...
Inclement, or physically severe stormy weather, can be a challenge for pilots, and frightening experience for anxious passengers. However, pilots are trained to take safety precautions in case of bad weather, and planes are designed to endure fierce winds, rain, ice,...