Rotating Beacons
Whether you require a rotating beacon light or LED rotating beacon for airports or heliports, Hali-Brite can assist you. We’ve been manufacturing a variety of beacon lighting since 1979 including the popular L-801 and L-802 airport lights.
Airport LED Rotating Beacon L-801A(L)
Features one clear LED lamp and one aviation green LED lamp
Airport Rotating Beacon L-801A HBM 150/2
Features two 150-watt pulse-start lamps and two lenses: clear and aviation green
Airport LED Rotating Beacon L-802A(L)
Features one clear LED lamp and one aviation green LED lamp
Airport Rotating Beacon L-802A HBM 400PS
Features two 400-watt pulse-start lamps and two lenses: clear and aviation green
Heliport LED Rotating Beacon L-801H(L)
Features white, green, and yellow LED lamps, 80% more efficient
Heliport Rotating Beacon L-801H & L-802H
Features three 150-watt metal-halide lamps in white, aviation green, and yellow
Military Airport Rotating Beacon L-802M HBM 320
Features two 320-watt metal-halide lamps and two lenses: Dual-beam clear and aviation green
36” Refurbished Airport Rotating Beacon L-802A
Features one 400-watt metal-halide lamp and two lenses: clear and aviation green