Lighting aids are necessary for an airport to be operational, as required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Airport lighting systems provide aircraft pilots with the visuals needed during flight operations, particularly at night, allowing them to pinpoint locations and avoid airport mishaps.

Like any other equipment, airport lighting also needs regular maintenance to preserve its optimal function. Inadequate upkeep of airport lighting systems can lead to visibility hazards that may result in aircraft accidents. Thus, it is best not to neglect maintenance procedures to save money on expenses. Disregarding airport lighting maintenance can cost you more in the long run.

This article contains information on efficient ways to maintain your airport lighting equipment. Additionally, this article elaborates on how much airport lighting system maintenance costs and how often maintenance needs to be performed.

Top 3 Ways to Maintain Your Airport Lighting Systems

Proper maintenance of your airport lighting systems is key to supporting safe airport operations and environment. Here are the top 3 ways how to effectively maintain your airport lighting systems:

Stock Spare Parts

Unexpected lighting equipment failure at airports can happen. Malfunctioning lighting systems can affect airport operations. For instance, a faulty circuit board in a constant current regulator can shut down all the lighting equipment it supports, compromising the operation of the affected airport area. Having stock spare parts allows you to repair any defective lighting equipment readily. 

However, keeping an excessive number of spare components for lighting equipment is cost-prohibitive and impractical. Stay organized by determining exactly which parts should be kept in your inventory, and how many. Going forward, it’s best practice to evaluate the failure rate, the effect of failure, and the availability of each component.

Document Maintenance Operations

An effective airport lighting maintenance program must include documentation of maintenance procedures, including inspections, troubleshooting, and repairs. The information obtained from maintenance activities can be kept in a maintenance record, including the service history for each piece of airport lighting equipment, to ensure efficient maintenance operations. Furthermore, having a maintenance record allows quick access to information that can assist you in resolving future instances of the same airport lighting issues.

Conduct Regular Inspection

Regular inspection of airport lighting systems, including cable systems, is essential to maintain safe flight operations. A preventive maintenance inspection (PMI) keeps the lighting equipment in optimal condition. PMI helps reduce airport operational issues resulting from lighting equipment malfunctions. Each piece of lighting equipment must be inspected and tested regularly based on the maintenance guidelines recommended by the manufacturer.

Moreover, a PMI must be done by trained and experienced personnel. Such maintenance personnel must be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to perform inspections and repairs on airport lighting systems. HaliBrite has a team of maintenance professionals that can assist you with regular airport lighting system inspections. Additionally, our experts can readily provide you with troubleshooting and repair services during any occurring airport lighting operational problems. Do not hesitate to contact us here.

How Much Does Airport Lighting System Maintenance Cost

Infographic of why consider an efficient lighting system

Negligence of maintenance procedures for airport lighting systems can be costly in the long run. Airport lighting systems are designed to last for several years. Failure to maintain the optimal condition of lighting equipment, though, may reduce its lifespan, necessitating early repair or replacement. 

The cost of replacing airport lighting equipment may vary depending on equipment options and other considerations. The table below shows the estimated price range for each listed airport lighting equipment.

Lighting Equipment Estimated Replacement Cost
Rotating Beacon $8,500 – $10,000
Wind Cone $6,500 – $8,500
Runway/Threshold Light $900 – $950
Taxiway Light $650 – $750


In addition to repair and replacement expenses, lighting equipment malfunction can cause visual hazards during aircraft operations, potentially resulting in airport accidents and further damages. Consequently, the harmed party can file legal actions against you. If negligence is shown to have contributed to an airport crash, the penalties can cost you a sizable sum of money.

How Often Do You Need to Maintain Your Airport Lighting Systems

The FAA has provided detailed guidelines on airport lighting system maintenance. The FAA guidelines elaborate maintenance procedures for each airport lighting equipment, including step-by-step instructions for preventive maintenance inspection (PMI). Regular PMI is performed daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, and annually. Each PMI schedule follows a specific maintenance routine that can be modified to fit local conditions and environments. For example, the FAA recommends you check the proper color and flash sequence of rotating beacons daily. In comparison, wiring and electrical connection inspections can be done annually.

Let Experts Help You

Regular maintenance for airport lighting systems helps prevent malfunction-related accidents and saves you money on operating costs. In addition, hiring professional maintenance personnel guarantees that your airport lighting systems are always in good condition.

Our team at HaliBrite has experts in airport lighting who can immediately handle your maintenance needs. We can also provide you with any components or equipment for airport lighting that you might need if a repair or replacement is required. Reach out to us here and get your free quote today!